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电气工程师 [ 投诉职位 ]






专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假


  • 工作地点:大连市
  • 要求行业:电力、电厂、能源、仪表、电气、自动化类
  • 年龄要求:18~60岁
  • 要求学历:本科
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:3年以上
  • 专业要求:不限




中远船务工程集团有限公司组建于2001年6月,是中远(集团)总公司旗下,以大型船舶和海洋工程建造、改装及修理为主业,集船舶配套为一体的大型企业集团。在大连、舟山、南通、广东、上海、连云港等地拥有多家国内领先、国际上享有较高知名度的大型船舶企业及多家船舶配套企业。基于专业化的服务和现代化的管理,中远船务已经成为世界知名航运公司和海洋石油服务供应商合作伙伴。目前,中远船务总坞容量185万吨,其中,30万吨级浮船坞2座,15-20万吨级船坞4座,4-8万吨级船坞6座,泊位31个,造船船台2座,下水滑道 4座及配套下水驳2座,厂区总面积逾425万平方米,形成了“北中南”科学合理的地域分布和生产格局。致力于提高国内船舶与海洋工程项目设计与制造水平,中远船务正在建设集基本设计、详细设计和生产设计及技术咨询服务于一体的技术中心,并拥有一大批来自韩国、新加坡、日本的技术设计和生产管理专家,加速建立国际先进的造船管理模式。 中远船务目前建造的船型包括:5000车位汽车滚装船系列、3万吨重吊多用途船系列、5.7万吨散货船系列、8万吨散货船、9.25万吨散货船等。在建海洋工程项目包括:世界首艘钻井生产储油船(FDPSO)、圆筒形钻井平台、自升式钻井平台和半潜式钻井平台等。本着“实干、创新、超越”的企业精神,秉承“统一发展、创造价值”的核心理念,中远船务将以“振兴民族船舶工业”为使命,为打造世界一流船舶企业而努力!Founded in June 2001, COSCO Shipyard Group Co., Ltd, which is a subsidiary of China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO), is a large enterprise groups, specializing in large vessels building, marine engineerings construction and conversion, and providing with services in ship repairing and building sets. In Dalian, Nantong, Zhoushan, Guangdong Province, Shanghai, Lian Yungang and other places, COSCO Shipyard Group has large ship enterprises and ancillary services enterprises, which are leading in domestic and enjoyed higher profile in international. Based on professional services and modern management, COSCO Shipyard has become the preferred partner for top shipping company and offshore oil service provider in the world.Now, the total the dock capacity of COSCO Shipyard Group has arrived 1.85 million tons,concluding two capacities of 300,000 tons floating docks, four capacities of 150,000~200,000 tons docks, six capacities of 40,000~80,000 tons docks , 31 berths, two Shipbuilding berth, and four water slides as well as two supporting water split.The total site areas is over 4.25 million square meters that forming a "North-dle-South" scientific and rational geographical distribution. Committed to improving the national ship and marine engineering design and manufacturing standards, COSCO Shipyard has being building national class technical center that integrated the basic design, detailed design and productive design as well as technical advisory services. And it has attracted technical design and productive management experts Singapore and Korea to building world level shipbuilding management model.COSCO Shipyard built ship models including: series 5000 barking space PCTC, 30,000 tons of Series Heavy Lift Multi-Purpose ships, 57,000 tons of series bulk carrier, 80,000 tons of bulk carriers, bulk carriers, and 92,500 tons carriers; marine project including: the worlds first drilling production storage oil vessel (FDPSO), cylindrical rigs, self-drilling platform, semi-submersible offshore oil platforms."Hard working, Innovation, and Beyond" as the spirit of enterprise, "Unified development and create value" as the core conception, "Revitalize the national shipbuilding industry," as a mission, COSCO Shipyard Group is taking efforts to achieve fast development and build a world-class shipbuilding enterprises.


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